Ngwala Organic Pesticides

Product and Services

We offer a wide range of product and services including the ones below


Ngwala Organic Pesticides


We offer good consultation on Organic fe ...more


We Sell more than one product of Organic

Why Us

Organic pesticide

ngwala inventionzzzzzzzzz ngwala inventionzzzzzzzzz ngwala inventionzzzzzzzzz

High yield

we provide a high quality pesticides killer

low cost

we offer our services with affordable cost


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Ngwala Inventions

Ngwala Inventions during pitching consult in Europe.


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what does ngwala company deals with?

Ngwala Inventions Company deals with providing fertilizers, consulting services, agricultural services, and more. Ngwala Inventions Company provides a range of services including offering organic fertilizers, consulting services, agricultural services, and more. They also provide a company-issued card for farmers to use at dispensing machine locations, offer technical support for their machines, and do not charge for card registration.

where do I get this fertilizer?

You can get fertilizer from the industry where it is produced or through the dispensing machines by using a registered card where this machines are placed almost in every regions


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